
Wednesday 30 September 2015

Dunelm Winnie the Pooh Nursery Range

When we found out that we were to have a girl, I was so excited, it finally meant I could have a pink room in the house.....then hormones got in the way and the pink paint samples on the world just didn't look right and well I couldn't find any bedding that was 'just right'.

I had in my head Disney bedding in a soft pink, reality was I couldn't find any that met my needs and everything I liked, hubby didn't.

So what to do?
Hand it over to the big brother of course. We set about compiling a list of bedding that we liked and was available and let him choose. Maybe in hindsight this was a bad idea as if Winnie the Pooh was in the mix, that would be the 1st choice for him and well it was!

Just as we were looking for bedding I received an email from Dunelm advertising their new range of Disney Bedding. 
Personally I adored the Dumbo range but with it being grey and white it didn't appeal to our son who opted for the Winnie The Pooh range which was actually the best decision!
The next day I set out and bought the range ready for the new baby, the next decision was planning what colour to paint the walls. Unfortunately the nursery is rather small as we plan on keeping our 3rd largest bedroom as the spare room so baby ended up with what used to be the office.

After trying pinks, greys and whites we settled on Jurassic Stone by Dulux it may look a little dark but the room is very light and bright and the colour looked great on the walls so I cannot wait for the room to get painted.

Carpet and furniture still needs to be ordered so it will be work in progress but at least we have a theme.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Options Clinic

The next appointment for me and the final at my hospital until I return to have the baby was to attend an options clinic to discuss my previous delivery.

Having briefly discussed my son's birth at my 20 weeks appointment with the Doctor this was for us to go into more detail about how my delivery went last time. I was trying not to be emotional and start blubbering as listening to what happened was quite hard to take in as there were many things that I had forgotten. 

Seeing my old file made it feel so much more real again that this baby was going to have to come out!
I had been in two minds and ever since I had got pregnant I had spent every night thinking about what option I wanted to take, did I want to try for a VBAC and have a natural delivery? Well yes actually, I wanted to plan to have that lovely, idyllic birth that I planned first time around, less intervention, labouring in a water pool and ideally birth in a pool and get into hypnobirthing to help me handle the pain, I suppose I was a bit disillusioned that I was going to have the exact same options that were available to me first time around.

As we attended the appointment we briefly discussed my son's previous birth and how I had got into labour but then it just stopped despite being induced. I went in with an open mind that if I could have the above then a natural delivery would be my choice.
Since having my son I had worked really hard to get a healthy bmi and wanted to be in the best physical condition that I could to have our second child and hopefully have a better delivery.
It soon became clear that although I could have a natural delivery, due to the previous section I would have to be monitored, this meant that my dream of a water birth was not to be. 
Now I faced a real dilemma as although having another section didn't bother me at all, I was concerned that it would be more difficult 2nd time around with a 5 year old to get to and from school.

I know that we cannot predict what can happen and there would be no way of ever knowing if I would have the same issues with this pregnancy but with having a child at home to think of I made the decision to book in and have an elective section.

The relief of coming to the decision was immense and as the date was confirmed for the delivery I just burst into tears, both my husband and the midwife were suprised and asked why I was upset, I know things can still change and if I was to go into labour naturally before the date of the section I could very well have a natural delivery but for me it was much more than this, this is my last baby and with that the last chance of me choosing a natural delivery and I have declined it.
Please don't get me wrong I made the decision based on my own circumstances and wishes I was not influenced but it just felt so final. 

So with the date in the diary, our baby girl has her birthdate - very exciting!!

Tuesday 8 September 2015

The 20 Week Scan

So the date finally arrived and it was time to see our baby again. 
This time around both of my scans have been first thing in the morning so I have not had a long wait throughout the day to get to see little one.

As we had the private scan a few weeks ago, we wanted it to be confirmed, have a 2nd opinion so to speak! 
Our appointment was 9am so we were there bright and early and I had desperately tried to drink as much water as I could for the scan. We were fortunate to have the same person as last time who took a great deal of time checking over our baby and showing us the detail of the heart which was absolutely amazing, considering how small the baby still is!

After what felt like a lifetime, a trip to the toilet thanks to the baby being tucked neatly by my bladder, all was confirmed as ok and that we were having a girl.

We of course took the opportunity to have some more images to take away and then it was back to the waiting room to wait for the notes to be updated and for a visit to see the Doctor to determine my level of care for the remainder of the pregnancy.

The appointment consisted of the usual, blood pressure check, mrsa swaps taken where I was required to use a rather large cotton bud to swab my knicker line and inside my nose as well as providing a urine sample - pretty standard.
The Doctor then came to see me and was happy I was having a low risk pregnancy despite my previous section and that she was happy for me to be under midwife led care.

Good news all around, now it's time to go shopping!
Thursday 3 September 2015

Approaching halfway.....

So here we are at almost 19 weeks... the last few weeks seem to be ticking by and the next scan is approaching. I always get nervous when it comes to scans. I always expect that I have been imagining it all in a dream.

For the past fortnight I have been feeling small kicks but this week they have been a lot more regular and having a lot more impact!

Working is getting a lot harder and I struggle with bending and reaching, actually being on my feet for a long period of time is still fine for me so I am hoping that they don't offer for me to be sat down for most of my shifts as I am already struggling with being less active!!
Thankfully I have a group of friends with Fitbits and we all have the workweek hustle as well as the weekend challenges and I never want to come bottom so it does encourage me to get up and go for walks and to keep myself active!

I am feeling pretty good this trimester, the nausea has virtually gone and food aversions also I just find I tire a lot more but am getting a good amount of sleep at night so I am hitting my target.

After finding out last week that we were having a girl, me holding off buying things until the 20 week scan confirmed it hasn't lasted long and I fully took advantage of the further reductions on the gorgeous clothes by Mini Mode at Boots

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Baby Bond - Ultra Sound Direct

So as this is my 2nd pregnancy I am fortunate to be in a bit of a better position than last time which meant my husband and I decided to have a private gender scan to find out whether we would be

If I am completely honest it was all me, my husband has a bit more patience than me but I was so desperate to start buying little bits especially now I was feeling little kicks.

We had a recommendation for Baby Bond and several other friends who were expecting had used them for various other scans, so once we had the 12 week scan I booked an appointment for when I was just 17 weeks. I also hoped it would break up that long wait for the 20 week scan.

I booked the appointment online which was straightforward enough, selecting the scan I wanted to have and then selected a suitable date and time to have the scan and paid a deposit using my debit card.
Email confirmation arrived and that was it....done. I just had to wait for the date to come around.

The day before the scan I received a telephone call to confirm our appointment and to advise us that we were to have a drink before the scan and to arrive at least 10 minutes before our scheduled appointment time.

The next morning I was anxious as I had expected, I STILL feel nervous that it is all one big dream even though I am now getting bigger and feeling kicks.

As we arrived we were quickly seen to and I paid the balance owed for the scan. I was then led to the scanning room which was rather large and a lot brighter than the one I had experienced in the hospital.
The lady scanning us was very good, she made the whole experience that bit more personal to us, asking us questions and taking her time to get some good images of the baby and to most importantly confirm what she believed we were expecting.

Our appointment was 20 minutes and we were able to view the baby on a large screen facing the bed, we saw the heart and stomach and she was able to confirm that she could see all was fine. Of course she was also able to tell us the gender can you guess what we are having??

Overall I suppose this was to satisfy my curiosity and was a nice to have, I would like to have another scan closer to the end of my term but I doubt that I could persuade hubby to let me have another especially as the next few months will involve redecorating the nursery and bedding etc.